Thursday, December 11, 2008

French Horn

This is another instrument that sounds horrible in the wrong hands. But I've heard horn contertos and they are amazing. There is so much that you can do on horn. I honestly can't play this instrument very well, but I have started to practice. The horn is in the key of F which has really thrown me for a loop but the trigger puts it in the key of Bb which is the same key and octave as my native instrument, the trombone. Although out of tune, this is the only way That I have been able to play with the ten minutes that I have practiced.

Horn is one of the few brass instruments that are in full orchestras because their main genre is classical. Marches are not marches without a nice horn section. Even though they only have the upbeat.

So my choice for the french horns genres are strictly classical. Like all instruments they could play in any genre, but please don't have a french horn in a rock band.

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